Live Review
Dresden Dolls, Count Zero
Paradise Big Room
September 26, 2003
It's The Dresden Dolls' CD release show, and anyone who didn't already know can tell from the street that this is no ordinary band--The Paradise's awning is adorned with hanging vines, and the throng outside is a churning kaleidoscope of satin, feathers, body paint, and geometrically impossible haircuts. Some of the ceremoniously festooned are just smoking or catching some air, but many are hoping for tickets; this event is sold out, babycakes. Inside, girls in shimmery ball gowns mince around with ultra-mod Hecubus-thin boys. The balcony's crimson mood lights flash against Borg-like face piercings. Living statues, painted faces, surreal art installations, performance art, a comedian, and naked people are among the attractions in this sideshow-meets-rock event that Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione have created.
Count Zero, for the first time with the ubiquitous Izzy Maxwell on bass, take the reigns of the room's energy and steer it right into a frenzy. Peter Moore, ably assisted by the confident Wil Ragano, is the consummate showman, and the pair lead this outstanding band through a too-short set of edgy progressive rock. Swirling easily from spacey jams into straight-ahead rock grooves, Count Zero prove once again that intelligence and risk taking are valuable commodities if you want to stand out.
Dresden Dolls employ the delayed gratification tease to great effect, making us wait a good long time before the lights dim and Brian and Amanda take their place at drums and keyboard respectively. Assisted on some songs by guest musicians, the Dolls meander, bolt, and scream through every song on the much-anticipated CD. Handsome white-faced Brian tickles gentle brushwork or has it out with the cymbals as needed. Amanda captivates and titillates, shifting gears from manic wails to whispers so quiet that a reverent hush envelops the entire sold-out room. Legendary. I buy a poster on my way out, because Dresden Dolls will be eligible for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2028. (Lexi)

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