Monday, September 25, 2006

Clown Vomit - Regurgitation

Oh boy, Clown Vomit, did you find the right music reviewer or what? You crazy cats either lucked out big time, or you did your homework and discovered my erstwhile fascination with acts such as Steamy Bohemians, Doctor Frog and Irritating Rainbow . Musical jokesters all, mining the precious gold of offbeat, avant-whatever comedy rock, embracing the self-evident truth that poop is funny. And I am such a sucker for this kind of thing.

Regurgitation is a 13-song carnival ride. With a penchant for the howl of the theremin and a zealous food fixation, this four-piece band whips up a crazy concoction of fast-paced punk, Saturday morning cartoon chase music and totally Beefheart-esque noise. Clown Vomit must come up with their song ideas during the silliest of late-night bong sessions, because I can’t think of another time when a two-minute ode to a porkchop would be conceived. Especially one where the only lyrics are a strangled wail of “porkchop!” I guess it worked for tequila, so why not?

While some of the tunes are pretty darn catchy (”Doody for You” particularly) others are downright cacophonic. Clown Vomit is not afraid to experiment, and that’s precisely when things start getting interesting. Standouts are the racing, screechy “Baby Pterodactyls,” the bizarro “Egg Salad” and the delightfully titled “Happiness is a Golden Pancake.” Saint Alphonso would be so proud.

Like many of their demented forebears, Clown Vomit isn’t for everyone. A lot of people are going to hate it, in fact. But those people are just no damn fun. (2007)


Clown Vomit:

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